Is Doomsday Upon Us?

( image source: H I Sutton )

The Belgorod, nicknamed “The City Killer”, is equipped with nuclear torpedoes that have recently been discovered this week in the Arctic after making headlines earlier due to concerns about a nuclear weapons test.

The Poseidon weapon, referred to as an Intercontinental Nuclear-Powered Nuclear-Armed Autonomous Torpedo in U.S. Navy documents, will need new bases, facilities, and photographs, which provide clues as to where and how the Russian Navy might employ the new weaponry.

( image source: H I Sutton )

This is a frightening beginning for humanity, and it very well might be the new norm.

Poseidon alters the nature of the nuclear threat by introducing a new class of strategic weapons. The new weapon is anticipated to run extraordinarily deep and quickly, based on assumptions from the design, even though the system’s specs are hidden by secrecy, guesstimates, and false information.

Unmanned underwater vehicle Poseidon is thought to be able to cruise over great distances before detonating with enough force to unleash a catastrophic nuclear tsunami that will flood and irradiate coastal communities. Such urban centers as New York or Los Angeles might be completely destroyed by a contaminated wave.

Belgorod can act as a mothership for a range of crewed and unmanned submersibles for deepwater operations with Poseidon. Among them is the deep-diving manned submersible Losharik (A-12), whose batteries exploded in 2019 and killed 14 Russian submariners. According to a prior claim by USNI News, the warship is currently being repaired by the Russian Navy.

Despite the Russian Navy’s sharp decrease after the Cold War, the Pentagon has continued to be seriously concerned about its submarine force. A new generation of Russian assault submarines with long-range cruise missiles that can be used to strike European capitals from the North Atlantic has been deployed to sea.

This new technology developed by Russia is to be said as a last-ditch resort if Russia were to fall. The problem is that this so-called “last-ditch” effort could be excused for any use of their pleasing. With any attack, there is always a new defense created to prevent it. The question is whether this attack will be better than the defense.

( image source: Russian Ministry of Defense )